Tanzania National e-Procurement System

Information Area

Public Notice

Title Description Date Uploaded Attachment
Public Notice on Blacklisted Firms Download the attachment for a complete Public Notice on blacklisted firms 25/01/2023 PUBLIC NOTICE-Debarment of Firms 2023.pdf
REMINDER TO ALL PROCURING ENTITIES TO USE TANePS Reminder to all Procuring Entities to use TANePS for procurements to be carried out in the Financial Year 2022/2023 15/08/2022 TANePS-Usage Reminder.pdf
TAARIFA KWA UMMA Wajibu wa Taasisi Nunuzi Kujiridhisha na wazabuni wa vifaa na huduma mtambuka (VHM) kupitia mikataba maalumu 30/07/2022 TAARIFA KWA UMMA-GPSA.pdf
Public Notice on Blacklisted Firms Download the attachment for a complete Public Notice on blacklisted firms 22/12/2021 DEBARMENT PUBLIC NOTICE.pdf
MWONGOZO WA UNUNUZI-UVIKO-19 Mwongozo wa Ununuzi katika Utekelezaji wa Mradi wa Maendeleo kwa Ustawi waTaifa na Mapambano Dhidi ya UVIKO – 19 11/11/2021 MWONGOZO WA UNUNUZI-UVIKO-19.pdf
Reference Number: TZ-DAWASA-91685-CW-RFB Tender Notice for Construction of off grid Water Supply Distribution Networks at Kigamboni and Temeke Municipalities 19/04/2021 DAWASA-Tender-Notice-kigamboni.pdf
Reference Number: TZ-DAWASA-191351-GO-RFB Tender Notice for Supply of additional Pipes for Network Rehabilitation 19/04/2021 DAWASA-Tender-Notice.pdf
Public Notice following TANePS Unscheduled Maintenance during 29-31 March 2021 Please download the attachment for information on unscheduled maintenance of TANePS held during 29-31 March 2021 16/04/2021 Public notice on Taneps outage 14 April 2021.pdf
Public Notice on Unscheduled Maintenance of TANePS Please download and open the attachment for the Public Notice dated 31 March 2021 on unscheduled maintenance of TANePS 31/03/2021 Public notice on Taneps outage 31 March 2021.pdf
TPA General Notice on using TANePS) for the Dar es Salaam Maritime Gateway Project, P150496 Tanzania Ports Authority (TPA) informs the general public, Suppliers, Consultants, Contractors and Service Providers that from February 1, 2021, the World Bank financed procurement activities for the Dar es Salaam Maritime Gateways Project (DMGP), P150496 will be processed through the TANePS. For more details, please download the attachment 25/01/2021 TPA General Notice for Using TANePS- PDF.pdf